Friday, July 20, 2018

How To Go To Khao Yai from Bangkok

Khao Yai is a province in Thailand. Surround by mountains, people in Khao Yai doing winery and tourism. This is a beautiful place to go. It doesn't have pollution, the view is awesome, and you can feel the nature here.

If you want to go to Khao Yai, you must go to Mo Cit then go to the large bus station in Bangkok called Chatucak.

Get a ticket to Pakchong (we stop here because there are no other busses in Bangkok that go directly to Khao Yai. U can rent a motor or a car near the bus stop. Just looking for Honda or Yamaha that can rent a car and a motor.

10 Things You Should Knows about Khao Yai:
1. It's Better Using Car than Motorbike in Khao Yai National Park
From many websites, if u wanna go to Khao Yai National Park, don't go with a motorbike. It's better to go with a car because they say that a lot of elephants that can be chased you if u meet them. Don't running suddenly if u meet them either, just stay still until they going away. But if they already chase you, then you must run your transportation asap.
For other information, be careful also with the road. It didn't smooth and can cause your tires being flat.

2. Use GPS is the best way to find Khao Yai. It's about 30 minutes from Pakchong to the nearest hotel in Khao Yai. Depends on your speed and your accommodation in Khao Yai.

3. The roads from Pakchong not comfortable to go by motorbike because the car run so fast there. Moreover, several recreational places are in that area.

4. In the summers, it's so very hot in Khao Yai even though surrounded by mountains. So better using sunblock if you don't wanna get sunburnt

5. Several hotels give the best views but we must stay if wanna catch the moment from it.

6. Khao Yai have so many mountains surrounds.

7. At least, you must go back to the hotel at about 8pm, because recreational places usually closed at 5pm but we can see the beautiful view of the sunset at 6.30 pm and so.

8. There are lots of vineyard in Khao Yai.

9. Even though Khao Yai very beautiful, it doesn't have many tourists as Bangkok or Pattaya. It little bit sad things since Khao Yai is the adorable place.

10. As far as I know, there is no public transportation here. People can use a motorbike or car like I mentioned before. Or maybe just use a bike to go around.

You will in love with Khao Yai. I really recommended going here. How to go to Khao Yai also not difficult to reach. Just pack your things and enjoy the very beautiful nature.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Terminal 3 Ultimate of Soekarno-Hatta Airport

In the beginning, T3 Ultimate is for Garuda's flight only, both domestic and international. Previously, it opened for AirAsia. Then in May 2018, T3 also served Thai Airways, Oman Air, Qantas, Jetstar Asia Airways, Air China and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. In the future, there are also Srilanka Airlines and China Eastern will be moved here.

For the passenger with awkward time, I suggested you chose this terminal to sleep than the other terminal at Soekarno Hatta Airport. It is because only for safety and comfort reasons. Below is the explanation :

- Safe and secure. You didn't feel afraid even if you're alone. This place is like open space yet convenient to stay. There are several restaurants, long chairs to sleep in, and the security system by CCTV.
- More comfortable to sleep. The chair is from leather, not from the wood that may cause your backache. In every chair, they have electrical devices to connect your devices when it's low of source
- You can find wifi here. So you still can do your job or maybe just browsing something or watch something to kill the time.

-Have mosquito because it's an open space.
-In the same time, it has an air conditioner and very cold at night. If you wanna stay, make sure you have a jacket or something to cover your body.
- Because it is so big, you have to manage your time to go to the counter and get check-in. It is very recommended if you just sleep near your check-in gate.

If you wanna move around Soekarno Hatta Airport, they facilitated transit bus for 24 hours and free. But in reality, around 2-4 AM, you can very hardly find one. So I suggested that you can do your activities before or after that.

Get bored? Just take the selfie at beautiful gardens with different themes. The photos here below

photo credit: self-documentation
Just try it and tell your story.